Tuesday, November 13, 2012

5 Tech Tips

So I want to make sure that I not only post cool Tech Tools and information on my blog, but also some practical ways to use technology to increase your business right now and into the coming year.  Here are 5 things that you can do right now to help you finish strong in 2012 and set you up for a fantastic 2013.
  1. Ever wonder how you use Facebook to increase your business, today?  Send a personal message to 5 "Friends" a day.  Let them know you are updating their contact information (get their email address).  Also, don't forget to ask for the referral. See my previous blog post.  Remember, you won't get the business unless you ask for it.

  2. Need an easy, online photo editor?  Try out PicMonkey.com  It allows you to adjust colors, size, rotation, clarity, crop, etc... all in your browser.  It's fast and easy. 

  3. Set up your Drip Marketing for 2013 during this time of year.  Include an email letter the 2nd week of January thanking all of your COI for the business they sent you in 2012.  See sample letter on IQOffice (or click here).

  4. Spice up your emails in 2013 by using video.  Eyejot.com allows you to use your computer, iPhone, or iPad camera to quickly shoot a message and send it to a client.  It's a very impactful way to get your message across and your clients will remember you for it.

  5. Learn 1 new thing a week.  It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the "Tech" that's available to us.  To the point that we just lock up and don't do anything about it.  As my kids would say, "Dad, Chillax!"  Take a breath and remove the pressure to do all of it all at once.  Just learn 1 new thing a week about IQOffice, Profiles on Websites, How to run and use Reports, your SMARTphone, iPad, etc...  In a year from now, you'll be teaching classes on this stuff.
These are just a few tips to put in your tool bag.  Remember, I can share them with you and even train you on them, but I can't make you use them.  If it's going to be done, it has to be done by you.  Now GO GET'EM!

Remember to post your comments on my blog.  Thanks

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Facebook Idea

I have thought myself and get asked a lot by agents on how to utilize Facebook to get business.  Well, as you know, Facebook is a SOCIAL media and we need to better understand that it's really not a great place to force feed our business to our "Friends" when they are out there to just be social.  Makes since to me.  So how do we use this "Billion User" system to help us grow our business?

First, you have to remember that Facebook is a perfect place to engage your COI efficiently.  You can post an idea or question and it gets immediately exposed to potentially hundreds of "Friends".  Also remember that your "Friends" are more likely to engage you, if you engage them.  You have to "Like" a lot and "Comment" on people's posts.  This will help with your "EdgeRank" on Facebook (Look that term up on Google, you will sound like an expert if you can understand it).

So here's an idea that anyone can do to better engage your COI.  What if you sent a personal message to 5 of your "Friends" every day on Facebook and said something like:

"Hey! I have been updating my contact info and I would love to have your updated phone number, mailing address, and email. Periodically I will be sending out real estate related material and other things like calendars, Christmas cards etc. because I want to keep in touch and to make sure you have my info to contact me with ANY real estate needs. As you can imagine, the real estate business is hard work and I appreciate your help! And as always, if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call/email me with their name and number and I will follow up and take great care of them. Thanks in advance!"

I'm pretty sure that, with a consistent effort, this will increase your referrals from your COI.

Just a thought.

Remember to post a comment if agree, disagree, or just want to share your thoughts.